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Entertainment (Entz)
The College parties that occur three times a term, twice in the Beer Cellar at the beginning and end of every term and a mid-term bop at another location. Themes are vital to bops and dressing up is taken very seriously with prizes for best dressed. We're always on the look-out for new and innovative theme ideas so let us know what you want to see the whole college dressing as!
Pub Quizzes
Happening twice a term in the Beer Cellar, come and show off your general knowledge skills with prizes always available for the winners. Topics range from sports to science, politics to physiology, general knowledge to geography and many many more. Past hosts include the beer cellar's very own Ian!
Club Nights
If you love to hit Parkend's cheese-floor or The Cellar's Live Nights, we should have everything covered. We try and promote nights that everyone will enjoy and also want to organise college trips to nights like Fuzzy Duck's.

DVD Library
The JCR DVDs are housed in the Library (hurrah!) so can be checked out at any time of the day or night. Use the self-issue machine as usual, with the spine against the red line to de-activate the security device. Although you can keep them for the same time as books, please return as soon as you are finished to allow others to use them. If you have a title you think the JCR might like, the Entz fund may buy it off you at a reasonable price.
More Info
As always, please get in touch by emailing the JCR Entz Reps if you have any ideas, or want any events planned by us in college or elsewhere.
Useful Links
Have a scroll through the table below for links to assuage all your entertainment needs!
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