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Contraception and Sexual Health

Contraception & Sexual Health Supplies

The welfare team discreetly provide free contraception and sexual health supplies on request, including:


  • Condoms: Mates Natural, Mates Conform, Mates King Size, SKYN Non-Latex

  • Lubricant

  • Dental dams

  • Panic alarms

  • Reimbursement of the morning-after pill (although the Nurse can prescribe you this for free)

  • Pregnancy Tests

  • Information and advice on sexual health clinics around Oxford, and the right people to talk to about a range of issues you might face during your time at Oxford (see Links and Information)


Just drop the JCR welfare reps an email or come speak to us and we can pidge you anything you need with extreme discretion and speed. If you’re unsure as to what kind of sexual health stuff is right for you, watch this helpful video from Sexplanations.

C&SH - Contraception & Sexual Health Service

There are two GUM clinics (offering contraception and sexual health services) in Oxford. They provide pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, contraception fitting (coil, implant etc), smear tests and sexual advice.


One is at the Churchill Hospital. Its routine clinic for STI screening & contraception is open Monday to Friday, 9:00-18:00 by appointment only, with a drop-in clinic open Monday to Friday, 12:15 – 15:15 and Saturday, 9:00-12:00. To book an appointment call 01865 231 231.There is information on the website about how to get there, but the Lodge will also book you a taxi for free if you tell them you have a hospital appointment!


The other one is at the Rectory Centre (listed as East Oxford on the website) on Rectory Road which links Headington and Cowley Roads. It is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-19:00, Wednesday 11:30-19:00 and Friday 9:30-16:00.


See Sexual Health Oxfordshire for more details.


Also, here is a list of pharmacies in Oxford which supply the morning after pill.

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