The JCR Committee are elected representatives of the JCR in various areas of college life. The Executive Committee are in charge of the committee's operations as a whole, and are elected in Trinity (third) Term. Other committee members are given a specific area of college life to look after, and are elected in Michaelmas (first) Term. To see a list of elected positions on the committee, please see the committee page.
There are also a number of junior posts available, who perform specific tasks for the running of the JCR (such as updating college notice boards). If you are interested in these roles, please contact the JCR President.
Manifestos and hustings minutes from current and past elections can be viewed on the JCR Sharepoint page (visible only to current students).
If you're interested in applying for one of these roles, the following documents will be of interest, along with the summary of electoral procedure below:

Anyone wishing to stand must fill in a nomination form signed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must be Full Members of the JCR. The candidate must have read the JCR Constitution. and is also advised to read the JCR Electoral Handbook.
No current/ex-officer, candidate, Returning Officer or Deputy Returning Officer may nominate. In the event of a proposer or seconder becoming a candidate, the Returning Officer shall immediately inform the candidate whose nomination is affected, who then has to find a new proposer or seconder.
Five copies and one electronic version of a manifesto for each candidate may be given to the Returning Officer no less than six hours before the start of hustings.
Each candidate, once they have been nominated, will then have a chance to speak for a short time to JCR members at an election hustings on why they should be voted into their respective posts. Members will then have the opportunity to ask candidates a question, which each candidate will answer in turn.
The vote is carried out online as a secret ballot using the alternative vote system the day after hustings.