Your JCR Committee
Hi everyone, I’m Caro, a second-year PPE student from Germany and I look forward to being your JCR President this year!
You’ll usually be able to find me either at Leon’s, on the river pretending I know how to row, essay-ing in the White Tank, or just somewhere about College – but whichever it is, I’m always around if you have any questions, or just for a chat.
My role is to represent the JCR’s concerns and ideas at all levels of College, whether that be amongst the students, College staff and tutors, Trinity Governing Body or the University as a whole. I’ll also be sending out a weekly President’s Bulletin with updates on JCR events, opportunities, news, and a JCR feedback form, where you can voice concerns or ideas.
Beyond that, I chair JCR Committee and the General Meetings, which take place biweekly and give every member of the JCR the opportunity to have a say in what the JCR does and how it should spend its money – so if you’re at all interested in that, come by!
During my term, I want to focus on making Trinity a more welcoming, inclusive, and fun space for all members of our community. If you’ve got any issues, concerns or ideas, don’t hesitate to bring them up to me – either via email, the feedback form or if you see me around. Whatever it is, I’ll do what I can to sort it out!
Caroline Von Lampe
Hi, I’m Josh, and I’ll be your JCR secretary. While that might not mean a lot to you right now, soon it’ll mean that you get to see my name every time you check your emails. The emails I’m responsible for sending out include minutes, agendas, and summaries from JCR meetings, general information from the JCR, or some specific notices about things like the housing ballot.
Beyond incessantly emailing everyone, my role as secretary primarily involves organizing the agendas for JCR meetings, which will include motions or ideas put forth and monitoring the meeting to keep a record of everything that was going on. I’m also responsible for communicating with college about a few other things such as coordinating the housing ballot, and arranging seating plans. Above all else, my role is about making sure the JCR runs smoothly, by keeping meetings on track, updating the constitution or other documents, and supporting Caro, James, and the rest of the JCR however I can!
Just to tell you a little bit more about me, I’m a PPE student at Trinity and am from Canada. If I’m not at a basketball practice, you can normally find me pacing around somewhere in Oxford, debating moral philosophy with anyone who approaches me and trying to convince myself that I can count that as being productive.
I’m really looking forward to meeting you all very soon! I had a great first year at Trinity, despite the restrictions, and am expecting this next year to be even better for everyone. If you see me around (I’m tall enough that I’m normally quite easy to spot) please come say hi! I’m always available to chat, or to do my best to answer any questions you might have.
Josh Soifer
Academic Affairs
Hi, I'm Sam, a 2nd year mathematician and the JCR Academic Affairs Representative. My job is to help improve the academic experience of students at Trinity. That means I am here to listen to any concerns you may have about the academic side of things. If you have any issues, concerns or feedback regarding collections, tutors or study spaces at Trinity please feel free to drop me a message or send me an email. I'll try to offer the best advice I can, as well as being able to take up issues with the senior tutor if needs be.
Sam Flower
Equalities Reps
"Trinity College JCR is committed to diversity and the eradication of inequality and as such will not discriminate on the basis of a member's sex,marital status, sexual orientation, racial group, nationality, religion or disability. In the provision of services and facilities, representation or participation, the JCR will use neutral criteria that do not have disproportionate impact on members of a particular racial group, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, gender or disability, or of marital status, unless such use is objectively justifiable." - JCR Constitution
To see each individual officer and their role(s), please refer to the Equalities Committee.
Equalities Committee
Access and Bursaries
Hello! We’re Max (first year BioMedic) and Alice (first year Lawyer), Trinity JCR’s Access and Bursaries representatives for 2021!
Our role involves working with the Access and Admissions staff with all things access – for both prospective students and current students! You’ll normally find us working on outreach events for our link regions in the North-East and Oxfordshire alongside our Trinity student ambassadors, hosting everything from Q&As and teacher training days to events such as the North-East Residential. Anything interviews, offer-holder days or open days related is also covered by us! For inside college, we’re here to listen to and help with any access or bursary-related concerns and ensure everyone, no matter their background, is comfortable here at Trinity. Please get in contact if you have any ideas for us which could help us to make Trinity even more accessible, and look out for opportunities to be involved with access work (we’d love if you joined us as an Ambassador in Michaelmas)!
Hi! I'm James, your JCR treasurer. I study economics and management (yes it's very predictable from the treasurer). In Oxford you'll probably find me in Leon, spoons, or excitedly going to an actual in person lecture!! If you're interested in cycling or running I can give you advice on routes in Oxford and I should be on some freshers' week outings. I'm also going to be running a board game night, so do come along to that!
As treasurer I’m in charge of the JCR finances, so if you set up a club or become a society rep I’ll be the one reimbursing you for events. I’ll also make a budget and financial report at the start of each term, so apologies in advance for clogging your inbox with tedious spreadsheets. I’m the point of contact with college to make sure we get funding for any big improvements we want. We do have a fair bit of cash on hand as the lockdowns reduced normal expenditures, so do come forwards with your spending ideas!
Hi! We are your three welfare reps, responsible for all your welfare needs! Our role involves organising welfare tea every week where you can come along for snacks and conversation! We work alongside the peer supporters to provide friendly and supportive faces. Throughout the term we put together lots of other events to help people meet each other and help you take a break from work.
We have lots of useful resources and can put you in contact with support that you are seeking. We work alongside lots of the staff to keep Trinity a safe, inclusive and - ensuring that you are best equipped to balance you work and lives. We are always available for a confidential chat, whether that be a walk or online messaging, and are happy to talk about anything and everything! Outside of welfare and degree work:
Rose: “Hi! My name is Rose and I’m a first year medicine student ! I’m really looking forward to the next year as Welfare rep and always happy to have a chat about anything/everything - you’ll probably find me rewatching Netflix shows or on a walk to Pret to avoid the mountain of work!”
William, (First Year Medic): “I’ve lived between Oxford and Galway for most of my life and have racked up over 200 ferry journeys. I like to be involved in a diverse range of activities and have picked up rowing this year, adding to my repertoire of water sports which include kayaking and punting, as well as dips in the river! Looking forward to getting to know you :)”
Hello, we are Lou and Gabriel, two 1st year English students, and we're the JCR Entz reps. In normal times, this would mean we would organise college BOPs and other events, like open mic nights, during term. However, at the moment we are running online events and look forward to things starting to open up again so we can enjoy some entertainment in person again! If you have any ideas for events you'd like to see or any questions about the role itself, please do get in touch with us.
Environment and Ethics
I'm Kelsey, a 1st year PPEist, and I'm trinity's Environment & Ethics rep this year. I'm really excited to be furthering the work already completed surrounding Trinity's sustainability policies and practices, and look forward to continuing to work to make the college community more aware of environmental and ethical considerations. In particular, I'm looking forward to working to make sustainability a key element of freshers' induction at Trinity, and to seeing what more can be done to embed sustainability into day-to-day college life. You might see me around college with my guide dog, Lacey -- do let me know if there's anything you think Trinity could be doing better with regards to environment & ethics!
Kelsey Trevett
Hi, I'm Alannah, a second year Classicist and JCR Communications Representative!
This role involves communicating between students and college, whether that be from the JCR committee to the student body or vice versa. In practice this means updating notice boards and managing various Facebook groups and pages used by the JCR as well as managing our instagram account @trinitycollegejcr (have a scroll!). I also work closely with Julia, who runs the college communications. The pandemic has meant that we can't interact as a community as we normally would and so social media, particularly the Instagram account, has been a really lovely way to maintain the close knit community Trinity is known for. Once things get back to normal, it is also my job to document all of the amazing events that go on at Trinity - some of which are still continuing virtually! f there's ever any events you want to advertise to other students, something you want to raise awareness for, or even just want to share a nice photo of Trinity on @trinitycollegejcr, please do let me know!
Alannah Burdess
Hiya! I'm Debora, your Charities Representative.
My job is to ensure that the Trinity community gets involved in charity as much as possible, wether this is through fundraising or raising awareness. The main thing I do is organise a termly donation from every JCR member. This then gets split between charities that the JCR votes on. When I'm not a charities (or suspended students) rep, I'm a Spanish student. My interests include cinema, baking and attempting to learn how to crochet (the attempt is failing so far). Feel free to message me if you have any charities that you'd like me to highlight to the JCR, have any ideas for charity based events or would like to explain to me why my crocheting abilities are so poor. See you around :)
Debora Krut
Other Officers
The JCR's Junior Officers are appointed by the JCR President to perform specific functions around college. Here's a list of the junior positions, what they do and who they are:
The ombudsman is appointed to investigate any complaints you might have against the JCR committee. The committee should act in accordance with the wishes of the JCR members - remember, you voted them in so they are accountable to you! The ombudsman's contact details can be found in the table above.